89% of inhabitants in Mandera County live below the poverty line.
Many families depend on insecure and fragile livelihoods such as casual farm & domestic labour. Their income is frequently irregular putting them at risk of hunger. The only viable alternative to such precarious existence is self-employment, & yet many lack the necessary capital or skills to start a meaningful business. The situation of Mandera residents is even worse considering the historical marginalisation since independence.
The project will for the first time introduce a comprehensive programme of packaged support for ultra-poor women in Mandera town to address endemic poverty faced by women in particular & seek to achieve a systemic change. The support to be provided includes; seed grant, basic business skills training, mentoring, consumption support for a limited period of time and supporting the women to form savings and loans group for sustainability purpose.
This project will benefit ultra-poor women (widows, divorcees and women breadwinners and women with a disability) in Elwak town, Mandera County, Kenya.
Preliminary Start Date: Aug 2019.
- This project will support 100 women with seed capital, basic business skills training, mentoring, consumption support (cash transfer), a grant to start and expand their micro-enterprises and two-years of mentorship
- The project will support beneficiaries to form savings and loans groups to encourage a "savings" culture and ensure project sustainability
- Lobby the local government to consider the beneficiaries for government-provided services, such as social protection, and business grants through County Trade and Development Fund
- Project team will support beneficiaries who are able and willing to expand their enterprises with the preparation of a funding application to the Trade Fund
Project Updates - February 2020
We are happy to report that our flagship Project, RESULT 1, is progressing well.
The project is funded by #UKAID. The 50 ultra-poor women beneficiaries were selected through a participatory wealth ranking exercise from a list compiled by religious leaders in Elwak and Wargadud towns.
The project adopted a poverty graduation approach. The women were provided with a package of support such as; Business training, mentorship, consumption support, the formation of loans and savings groups and finally, will receive a productive asset.
Thursday 20th Feb and Saturday 22nd Feb we organised a graduation ceremony for the women who have successfully completed the training programme.
We are now preparing to deliver productive assets to those who have completed the training and have come up with a viable business proposals (with our support).
Read more about it in our blog post here.
Students Graduating from the RESULT Program

Our Intended Impact
100 women acquire business skills and establish sustainable enterprises
Women are able to use the increased disposable income to support their families
Women feel empowered and gain confidence in their own entrepreneurial capabilities
Increased household income enables children, especially girls, to attend school
Our Beneficiaries say