89% of inhabitants in Mandera County live below the poverty line.
Women are in the frontline dealing with the impact of poverty. When there is no money to buy medicine for a sick child or buy food for the children, the mother is often the person to find ways and means to alleviate the problems.
Over the years, persistent droughts and communal violence have caused many families to lose their livestock, the primary source of their livelihood.
They are forced to move into towns and survive on relief food. While some can start small businesses through the support of their extended families, many still depend on handouts from the government. Lack of confidence, business experience and lack of information on existing opportunities to access funds continue to hold many women back.
The project will provide micro-loans to resource-poor women to help enable 100 women to acquire business skills, establish sustainable enterprises and gain the confidence to seek further support from existing national and county government funds.
In the long run, women will use the increased disposable income to support their family, hence improve their status in the family. This will reduce cases of domestic violence & increase respectability for women in the household.
Increase household income means many children, especially girls, are able to attend school.
- Support 100 women to form a savings and loan group
- Each group has 5 members selected by the women
- Each group will receive business training and the tools required to manage & run the groups' affairs
- The project will provide them with the initial seed capital with no interest
- Repayment will be over 24 months, and access to further support will depend on the repayment and accumulated savings.
Our Intended Impact
100 women acquire business skills and establish sustainable enterprises
Women are able to use the increased disposable income to support their families
Women feel empowered and gain confidence in their own entrepreneurial capabilities
Increased household income enables children, especially girls, to attend school
Our Beneficiaries say