Until 2018, the 25,000 residents of Bulla Afya location did not have a school.
Only 65.7% of the population in Mandera have a primary school education. The lowest enrolment rate of primary school education is 9.8%.
For the past 12 years, children from Bulla Afya village walked 8kms a day to the nearest school. Since opening Bulla Afya Primary School, 254 pupils are currently enrolled and attend the school.
However, the school lacks necessary physical facilities such as water, sanitation, classrooms, desks and teaching and learning resources. The school has only two teachers. Due to the high level of poverty, the school doesn’t receive much support from parents which is why we are fundraising.
With the funds we aim to:
- Build 3 latrines
- Dig a shallow well
- Construct an underground water tank
- Supply 30 three-seater desks
- Provide school uniforms and storybooks
- Hire supplementary teachers to provide 8 hours remedial lessons/month for 2 years to 100 orphaned and vulnerable girls
Our Intended Impact
Improved reading level of the beneficiary girls
Improved numeracy level of the beneficiary girls
Improved access to water and basic sanitation
Improved health and hygiene behaviour
Our Previous Project Reports
The school's mean score increased from 187 in 2013 to 252 in 2014, well above the county's average of 182.
The achievement was down to the hard work of the girls, teachers and parents, especially mothers who were very active and keen to see their daughters succeed.