Empowering communities, transforming lives
We need a Generation for Change and Development for Kenya.
GENCAD is a Kenyan Local NGO working to empower communities in Northern Kenya to overcome extreme poverty.
Our staff, trustees, and the majority of our volunteers are people from the region. We know first-hand the needs and priorities of the communities we serve.
We work in partnership with community organisations, leaders, and institutions to ensure our projects are contributing to sustainable development.
Our relationship with the beneficiary communities is central to our success.
We design and implement projects with (and not just for) the local communities.
Primary Education
We run remedial classes and provide learning resources for children from poor families and building schools.
Women Empowerment
We provide women with micro-grants to give them the opportunity to earn a decent income for themselves and their families.
Secondary Education
We provide classroom resources and scholarships for orphaned and vulnerable girls in secondary education.
Youth Empowerment
We support youth talent development - in sports, creative writing, media training and build resilience to VE.
Current appeals
Learn more about the latest projects we are working on.
Kuza Jamii Project
To support the transition from cash transfers to more integrated social protection programs
- Strengthening Social Protection Delivery Systems
- Increasing Access to Social and Economic Inclusion Interventions
- Improve the Shock Responsiveness of the Safety Net System
Kitengela Academy Primary School
Supporting orphans access quality education
- Feed and cloth 50 orphans attending Kitengela Primary school
- Pay teachers' salaries
- Pay for the operational costs of the school
Building the future of Kenya's Northern Region
- Constructing the only school of excellence for girls in Kenya's entire northern region
- Provide quality education for 450 girls from 3 neighbouring counties - Marsabit, Mandera and Wajir
- Foster peace and cohesion amongst pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya
COVID-19 Community Recovery Project
Community recovery and Resilience Building
- GENCAD, with funding from Interpeace and NCIC, is rebuilding livelihoods for women tailors
- Upskilling 76 women tailors and their businesses
- Contracting women tailors to make face masks for school children and vulnerable adults
Rural Entrepreneurs Livelihoods Support Project
Developing business skills and talent
- Support 100 women with seed capital, business training, consumption, and mentorship
- Women form 'loan groups' to support financial progress
- Apply for government funds to further support project sustainability
Rural Education Advancement Project (READ)
Bulla Afra Primary School, Mandera County.
- Build 3 latrines, an underwater tank and shallow well
- Supply 30 three-seater desks
- Provide school uniforms and books to 100 girls
- Remedial lessons for 2 years
Empowering Resource Poor Women Through Micro-Loan
Resourcing poor women in Mandera County
- 89% of inhabitants live below the poverty line
- Women are in the frontline dealing with the impact of poverty
- Empower women with the means to afford basic necessities and medicine for their families
Our Impact

Our Beneficiaries say